COM Library
Namespaces | Functions
RegUtils.cpp File Reference

Functions for use in registering and unregistering COM objects. More...

#include "Common.hpp"
#include "RegUtils.hpp"
#include "ServerRegInfo.hpp"
#include "ComUtils.hpp"
#include <WCL/RegKey.hpp>


namespace  COM

The COM Library namespace.


static void COM::SetRegistryValue (const tstring &strSubKey, const tstring &strValue)
 Creates or updates the default value for a registry key under the HKCR tree.
static void COM::SetRegistryValue (const tstring &strSubKey, const tstring &strName, const tstring &strValue)
 Creates or updates a named value for a registry key under the HKCR tree.
static void COM::DeleteKey (const tstring &strSubKey)
 Deletes the key from under the HKCR tree.
static const tchar * COM::GetServerTypeKey (ServerType eType)
 Get the registry key name used for configuring the server type.
static const tchar * COM::GetThreadModelKey (ThreadingModel eModel)
 Get the registry key name used for configuring the threading model.
void COM::RegisterCLSID (const ServerRegInfo &rSvrInfo, const CLSID &rCLSID, const tstring &strClass, const tstring &strVersion, ThreadingModel eModel)
 Register a CLSID.
void COM::UnregisterCLSID (const ServerRegInfo &rSvrInfo, const CLSID &rCLSID, const tstring &strClass, const tstring &strVersion)
 Unregister a CLSID.
void COM::RegisterTypeLib (const tstring &strFile)
 Register a type library.
void COM::UnregisterTypeLib (const GUID &rLIBID, ushort nMajor, ushort nMinor)
 Unregister a type library.
void COM::RegisterMonikerPrefix (const tstring &strPrefix, const tstring &strClass, const CLSID &rCLSID)
void COM::UnregisterMonikerPrefix (const tstring &strPrefix)

Detailed Description

Functions for use in registering and unregistering COM objects.

Chris Oldwood