Windows C++ Library
WCL::RegKey Member List
This is the complete list of members for WCL::RegKey, including all inherited members.
Create(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey)WCL::RegKey
CreateSubKey(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey)WCL::RegKey [static]
Delete(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey)WCL::RegKey [static]
DeleteTree(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey)WCL::RegKey [static]
Exists(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey)WCL::RegKey [static]
Handle() const WCL::RegKey [inline]
IsOpen() const WCL::RegKey [inline]
KeyTypeToStr(DWORD dwType)WCL::RegKey [static]
m_hKeyWCL::RegKey [private]
Open(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey, REGSAM dwAccess)WCL::RegKey
operator=(const RegKey &)WCL::RegKey [private]
ReadDefaultValue() const WCL::RegKey
ReadKeyDefaultValue(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey)WCL::RegKey [static]
ReadKeyStringValue(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey, const tchar *pszName, const tchar *pszDefault)WCL::RegKey [static]
ReadStringValue(const tchar *pszName, const tchar *pszDefault) const WCL::RegKey
RegKey(const RegKey &)WCL::RegKey [private]
WriteDefaultValue(const tchar *pszValue)WCL::RegKey
WriteKeyDefaultValue(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey, const tchar *pszValue)WCL::RegKey [static]
WriteKeyStringValue(HKEY hParentKey, const tchar *pszSubKey, const tchar *pszName, const tchar *pszValue)WCL::RegKey [static]
WriteStringValue(const tchar *pszName, const tchar *pszValue)WCL::RegKey