Core Library
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UnitTest.cpp File Reference

Functions for writing simple unit tests. More...

#include "Common.hpp"
#include "UnitTest.hpp"
#include "StringUtils.hpp"
#include "tiostream.hpp"
#include "Algorithm.hpp"
#include "CmdLineException.hpp"
#include "CmdLineParser.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <stdlib.h>


struct  Core::TestSetComparator
 Comparison functor for matching test sets against by test set name. More...


namespace  Core

The Core Library namespace.


typedef std::map< tstring,
TestSetFn > 
 A collection of test sets.
typedef std::vector< tstringCore::TestCaseNames
 A collection of test case names.


enum  Core::SwitchID { Core::HELP = 0, Core::VERBOSE = 1, Core::QUIET = 2 }
 The test runner command line switch IDs. More...
enum  Core::TestResult { Core::UNKNOWN = 1, Core::SUCCEEDED = 2, Core::FAILED = 3 }
 Test case result state. More...


static void Core::showUsage (const tchar *process, const Core::CmdLineParser &parser)
 Display the program options syntax.
bool Core::parseCmdLine (int argc, tchar *argv[], TestSetFilters &filters)
 Parse the command line.
static TestSets & Core::getTestSetCollection ()
 Get the collection of test sets.
bool Core::registerTestSet (const tchar *name, TestSetFn runner)
 Register a test set runner function.
bool Core::runTestSets (const TestSetFilters &filters)
 Run the self-registering test sets.
void Core::onStartTestSet (const tchar *name)
 Start the test set.
void Core::onEndTestSet ()
 End the test set.
void Core::defineTestCaseSetup (TestCaseSetUpFn setup)
 Define the test case setup function.
void Core::defineTestCaseTearDown (TestCaseTearDownFn teardown)
 Define the test case teardown function.
bool Core::onStartTestCase (const tchar *name)
 Start a new test case.
void Core::onEndTestCase ()
 End a test case.
static const char * Core::getFileName (const char *path)
 Get just the filename from the path.
void Core::processAssertResult (const char *file, size_t line, const tchar *expression, bool passed)
 Write the assert result to stdout.
void Core::processTestException (const char *file, size_t line, const tchar *error)
 Process an unexpected exception running a test case.
void Core::processSetupTeardownException (const tchar *function, const tchar *error)
 Process an unexpected exception during setup or teardown.
void Core::setTestRunFinalStatus (bool successful)
 Set how the test run completed.
void Core::writeTestsSummary ()
 Write the summary of the test results to the debugger stream and stdout.
int Core::getTestProcessResult ()
 Get the test process result code.


static bool Core::s_successful = false
 The overall state of the test run.
static uint Core::s_numPassed = 0
 The number of tests that passed.
static uint Core::s_numFailed = 0
 The number of tests that failed.
static uint Core::s_numUnknown = 0
 The number of tests that were indeterminate.
static bool Core::s_verbose = false
 Is verbose mode enabled?
static bool Core::s_quiet = false
 Is quiet mode enabled?
static TestResult Core::s_currentResult = UNKNOWN
 Current test case status.
static tstring Core::s_currentTestSet
 The name of the executing test set.
static tstring Core::s_currentTestCase
 The name of the executing test case.
static TestCaseNames Core::s_failures
 The list of failed test cases for the set.
static TestCaseSetUpFn Core::s_setup
 The test case SetUp function.
static TestCaseTearDownFn Core::s_teardown
 The test case TearDown function.
static TestCaseNames Core::s_executed
 The list of test cases executed.
static Core::CmdLineSwitch Core::s_switches []
 Parse the command line.
static size_t Core::s_switchCount = ARRAY_SIZE(s_switches)

Detailed Description

Functions for writing simple unit tests.

Chris Oldwood