Core Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Core::AnsiToWideThe class used to do the conversion from ANSI to Wide via the X2Y() macros
Core::ArrayPtr< T >An array smart-pointer for use within a limited scope
Core::BadLogicExceptionThe exception type thrown for errors that are the result of incorrect program logic
Core::CmdLineExceptionThe type of exception thrown for errors parsing the command line
Core::CmdLineParserA command line parser
Core::CmdLineSwitchThe definition of a command line switch
Core::ConfigurationExceptionThe exception type thrown for configuration errors
Core::ExceptionThe base class for all exception types
Core::FileSystemExceptionThe type of exception thrown when an error involving the file-system is encountered
Core::FormatTraits< T >Traits to invoke the underlying formatting and parsing functions for the specified template type
Core::FormatTraits< int >Formatting and parsing functions for handling int's
Core::FormatTraits< longlong >Formatting and parsing functions for handling long long int's
Core::FormatTraits< uint >Formatting and parsing functions for handling unsigned int's
Core::FormatTraits< ulonglong >Formatting and parsing functions for handling unsigned long long int's
Core::InvalidArgExceptionThe type of exception thrown when an invalid argument is passed to a function
Core::CmdLineParser::IsLongNameThe predicate for matching the switches long name
Core::CmdLineParser::IsSeparatorThe predicate for finding the name/value separator
Core::CmdLineParser::IsShortNameThe predicate for matching the switches short name
Core::LeakReporterThe static object that uses it's dtor to report any memory leaks
Core::NotCopyableBase class used to disable copying of the derived class
Core::NotImplExceptionThe exception type thrown for features that have not been implemented
nullptr_tA class to simulate the proposed nullptr keyword
Core::NullPtrExceptionThe type of exception thrown when an attempt is made to dereference a null pointer
Core::ParseExceptionThe type of exception thrown for parsing errors
Core::RefCntPtr< T >The smart-pointer type for use with types that contain their own reference counting mechanism, e.g
Core::RefCountedThe class used to provide internal reference counting
Core::RuntimeExceptionThe exception type thrown for unclassified runtime errors
Core::Scoped< T >A class for temporarily managing the lifetime of resources that require a custom destroy function
Core::SharedPtr< T >A reference counted smart pointer
Core::SmartPtr< T >The base class for all smart-pointer types
Core::STATIC_ASSERT_CHECK< true >The STATIC_ASSERT template matching valid assertions
Core::TestSetComparatorComparison functor for matching test sets against by test set name
Core::TextFileIteratorThe iterator type used to read lines of text from a file
Core::TokeniserA class to split a string into separate tokens
Core::UniquePtr< T >A smart-pointer for use within a limited scope
Core::WideToAnsiThe class used to do the conversion from Wide to ANSI via the X2Y() macros