Core Library
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Algorithm.hppExtensions to the standard <algorithm> functions
AnsiWide.cppAnsi/Wide string conversion functions
AnsiWide.hppAnsi/Wide string conversion functions
ArrayPtr.hppThe ArrayPtr class declaration
BadLogicException.hppThe BadLogicException class declaration
BuildConfig.hppDefinitions that configure the build
CmdLineException.hppThe CmdLineException class declaration
CmdLineParser.cppThe CmdLineParser class definition
CmdLineParser.hppThe CmdLineParser class declaration
CmdLineSwitch.hppThe CmdLineSwitch structure declaration
Common.hppFile to include the most commonly used headers
ConfigurationException.hppThe ConfigurationException class declaration
Debug.cppDebug reporting functions
Debug.hppDebug reporting functions and macros
Exception.cppThe Exception class definition
Exception.hppThe Exception class declaration
FileSystem.cppFileSystem helper functions
FileSystem.hppFileSystem helper functions
FileSystemException.hppThe FileSystemException class declaration
Interlocked.hppDefine the intrinsic forms of the Interlocked* functions
InvalidArgException.hppThe InvalidArgException class declaration
LeakReporter.cppThe special static object used to report memory leaks
NotCopyable.hppThe NotCopyable class declaration
NotImplException.hppThe NotImplException class declaration
nullptr.hppThe nullptr class declaration
NullPtrException.hppThe NullPtrException class declaration
ParseException.hppThe ParseException class declaration
pch.cppThe file used when creating the pre-compiled header
Pragmas.hppDisables annoying Level 4 warnings
RefCntPtr.hppThe RefCntPtr class declaration
RefCounted.hppThe RefCounted class declaration
RuntimeException.hppThe RuntimeException class declaration
Scoped.hppThe Scoped class declaration
SharedPtr.hppThe SharedPtr template class declaration
SmartPtr.hppThe SmartPtr class declaration
StringUtils.cppUtility functions for formatting strings
StringUtils.hppUtility functions for formatting strings
TextFileIterator.cppThe TextFileIterator class definition
TextFileIterator.hppThe TextFileIterator class declaration
tfstream.hppBuild independent fstream header
tiosfwd.hppBuild independent iosfwd definitions
tiostream.hppBuild independent iostream definitions
Tokeniser.cppThe Tokeniser class definition
Tokeniser.hppThe Tokeniser class declaration
tstring.hppBuild independent string definitions
Types.hppCommon data types, defines and macros
UniquePtr.hppThe UniquePtr class declaration
UnitTest.cppFunctions for writing simple unit tests
UnitTest.hppMacros and functions for writing simple unit tests
WinTargets.hppConfigure the Windows versions the build can support